Okay, so it happened again..

Who knew that becoming a graduate could take so much out of you?!

Yep, that’s right. I’m a graduate now *screams in despair*. I have to be an adult and do adult things. Rolling around in bed until 3pm and living on a diet of beans on toast (occasionally with cheese on to spice things up a bit) is no longer acceptable. I walked across the stage, shook the hand, got the degree. £27,000 and 3 years of hard work printed right there on a single piece of paper. I’ve never experienced something so exciting yet completely terrifying.

As trivial as I make this whole becoming a graduate thing seem, I guess I can somewhat push the blame of my recent unplanned blogging absence upon it. I had the post uni breakdown, and boy did I 647d179bd501e1e92b439f2e0c40eb7729776dd212cdc2c3d2b47a8520b432c4breakdown hard. You know when you have something so good which you just didn’t anticipate having to let go of so soon? That’s exactly what happened to me, and I just didn’t want to have to deal with, or think about the fact that my time at university was over, so I just pretended it wasn’t there. Moving home has taken a while to adjust to again, but I’m getting there, and with that my blog has become something of a greater importance to me. I initially started this blog sat at home last summer, as a bit of a release, and a world away from a reality that I wasn’t particularly content with. Although I guess I’m back to that place again, at least I can enter back into that world with my fingertips at the ready on my keyboard and a blog waiting for me with a number of followers (still hopefully there!) to read my drivels as I leap back into the blogger world once again, this time leaping fully with two feet, rather than cautiously dipping my toes into it.

Third time lucky and all that jazz.
